Grant Applications for Warminster on 05/03/2015 please notes that this report is generated automatically using the applicants own words. The applications have been checked by the Community Area Manager

to ensure that they meet the grant funding criteria.


Grant Type

Project Title


Amount Required


Community Area Grant

Maiden Bradley Memorial Hall New Kitchen

Maiden Bradley Village Hall



Community Area Grant


Corsley Reading Room



Community Area Grant

Corsley Show Capital Assets

Corsley Show Society



Community Area Grant

community visual media service

Friends of WCR



Community Area Grant

Sutton Veny Cricket Pavilion- New Changing & Showers

Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Cricket Club



Community Area Grant

Codford Community Automated External Defibrillator x 2

Codford Parish Council



Community Area Grant

Warminster Ukulele Club adult section equipment

Warminster Ukulele Club




Total Funds remaining with Warminster Area Board as of 5 March 2015 27,363.67

Total Funds requested at 5 March 2015 meeting 14,272.95

Total Funds remaining at 5 March if all are awarded 13,090.72

Remaining funds will be rolled over to the 2015 / 16 budget.



Grant Type

Project Title


Amount Required


Community Area Grant

Maiden Bradley Memorial Hall New Kitchen

Maiden Bradley Village Hall


Submitted: 07/01/2015 10:36:55

ID: 1108

Current Status: Application Appraisal

To be considered at this meeting:
tbc contact Community Area Manager

1. Which type of grant are you applying for?
Community Area Grant

2. Amount of funding required?
0 - 500

3. Are you applying on behalf of a Parish Council?

4. If yes, please state why this project cannot be funded from the Parish Precept

5. Project title?
Maiden Bradley Memorial Hall New Kitchen

6. Project summary:
Maiden Bradley Village Hall Committee have actioned the yearly risk assessment on the village hall and put together a forward plan. The Risk Assessment has highlighted the need to upgrade the kitchen to meet with current health and safety requirements. The forward plan has looked at the recommendations from the users of the facility through feedback forms and formulated a plan to help accommodate the issues had with the layout of the hall.

7. Which Area Board are you applying to?

Electoral Division
Warminster Copheap and Wylye

8. What is the Post Code of where the project is taking place?
BA12 7JG

9. Please tell us which theme(s) your project supports:
Children & Young People
Arts, crafts and culture
Economy, enterprise and jobs
Health, lifestyle and wellbeing

If Other (please specify)

10. Finance:

10a. Your Organisation's Finance:

Your latest accounts:

Total Income:

Total Expenditure:

Surplus/Deficit for the year:

Free reserves currently held:
(money not committed to other projects/operating costs)


Why can't you fund this project from your reserves:
The Hall currently requires further work on the building and any reserves have been set aside for this project.

We are a small community group and do not have annual accounts or it is our first year:  

10b. Project Finance:

Total Project cost



Total required from Area Board


(Itemised expenditure)

(Itemised income)

Tick if income confirmed

13 units and worktop


Monies raised Community event








11. Have you or do you intend to apply for a grant from another area board within this financial year?

12. If so, which Area Boards?

13. Please tell us WHO will benefit and HOW they will benefit from your project benefit your local community?
The forward plan has identified the need for the kitchen to be relocated in the jubilee room at the side of the building which will then free up the present kitchen to be used as the changing area for the toddler group when they come in from the new memorial garden and play area but to accommodate the pantomime members so that they can access the stage at the side instead of having to walk through from the side of the hall down to the stage area and so sometimes spoiling the surprise of the actor. The kitchen is small and unable to accommodate food preparation on a larger scale; most events have had to be actioned in stages and food stored off site. The new proposed layout will enable the food to be prepared and stored on site the Parish Council has awarded a grant of £500.00 to replace the refrigeration unit with a larger unit in support of this project. A parishioner has arranged a large discount with a company with whom the units can be purchased and parishioners have agreed to give their time to fit the kitchen out. The Village Hall Committee have also arranged for the Community Pay back team to come in to help paint the buildings interior. The hall is much used by the clubs and community, Owlets Play group, Pantomime club, Bingo group, Belly Dancers, Caravan Camping Club, Exercise classes Youth Club, Forces March Charity Cycle groups are but a few. With these improvements carried out the hall will provide better catering use for all groups within the village and make it a more attractive event venue for others. A resent consultation with the whole village by the Parish Council gave a resounding seal of approval that the refurbishment and enhancement of this beautiful building was the wish of the parish. The Community will have the benefit of a fit for purpose village Hall. They will be able to continue to be able to meet and socialise in it. 335 plus residents from Maiden Bradley plus visitors to the hall for meetings, events or activities will benefit. The Warminster & Villages Community Plan supports the village halls page 13

14. How will you monitor this?
The Hall will monitor the usage of the Hall against previous years and review the feedback sheets obtained from hirers of the hall.

15. If your project will continue after the Wiltshire Council funding runs out, how will you continue to fund it?
no further funding will be required

16. Is there anything else you think we should know about the project?


Supporting information - Please confirm that the following documents will be available to inspect upon request:

yes I will make available on request 1 quote for individual project costs over 500 & 2 quotes for project costs over 1000 (Individual project costs are listed in the expenditure section above)

yes I will make available on request the organisation's latest accounts

yes I will make available on request the organisation's Constitution/Terms of Reference etc.

Policies and procedures:
yes I will make available on request the necessary and relevant policies and procedures such as Child Protection, Safeguarding Adults, Public Liability Insurance, Access audit, Health & Safety and Environmental assessments.

Other supporting information (Tick where appropriate, for some project these will not be applicable):
yes I will make available on request evidence of ownership of buildings/land
yes I will make available on request the relevant planning permission for the project.
yes I will make available on request any other form of licence or approval for this project has been received prior to submission of this grant application.

And finally...
yes The information on this form is correct, that any award received will be spent on the activities specified.


Community Area Grant


Corsley Reading Room


Submitted: 20/01/2015 17:51:49

ID: 1153

Current Status: Application Appraisal

To be considered at this meeting:
tbc contact Community Area Manager

1. Which type of grant are you applying for?
Community Area Grant

2. Amount of funding required?
0 - 500

3. Are you applying on behalf of a Parish Council?

4. If yes, please state why this project cannot be funded from the Parish Precept

5. Project title?

6. Project summary:
Provision of a defibrillator accessible to the village of Corsley.

7. Which Area Board are you applying to?

Electoral Division
Warminster Without

8. What is the Post Code of where the project is taking place?
BA 12

9. Please tell us which theme(s) your project supports:
Children & Young People
Health, lifestyle and wellbeing
Safer communities

If Other (please specify)

10. Finance:

10a. Your Organisation's Finance:

Your latest accounts:

Total Income:

Total Expenditure:

Surplus/Deficit for the year:

Free reserves currently held:
(money not committed to other projects/operating costs)


Why can't you fund this project from your reserves:
We are part funding the project and also need to keep monies for the 2015 Elizabethan evening performance

We are a small community group and do not have annual accounts or it is our first year:  

10b. Project Finance:

Total Project cost



Total required from Area Board


(Itemised expenditure)

(Itemised income)

Tick if income confirmed



Eliz Evening reserves





other grant sources







11. Have you or do you intend to apply for a grant from another area board within this financial year?

12. If so, which Area Boards?

13. Please tell us WHO will benefit and HOW they will benefit from your project benefit your local community?
Elderly or vulnerable people in Corsley who suffer a heart attack will be able to get prompt and appropriate treatment. The total population of Corsley according to the 2011 census, is as 681 The no of people over 60 totals 253 - thats 37% ,with a further 143 aged 45-59, which if added to those over 60 makes 396 and is 58% Public health England produce a Cardiovascular disease profile for Wiltshire which reports that the estimated prevalence of heart disease in Wiltshire is 4.6% and the prevalence of heart failure is 0.8% (Prevalence is the number of people in a given population with a particular condition at a point in time). Using these percentages to estimate the numbers of people in Corsley -the result would be 31 people with heart disease and 5 likely to suffer heart failure. The British Heart Foundation reports the following: Coronary Heart disease is the Uks single biggest killer, cardiovascular disease causes more than a quarter of all deaths in the UK and most deaths from coronary heart disease are caused by heart attack. They also say that \'Every minute without a defibrillator reduces the chance of survival by 10%\'. The Public Health England report says that while early mortality from coronary heart disease is lower than the national rate in Wiltshire the time taken to get emergency treatment when a coronary artery is blocked is higher than the national average.

14. How will you monitor this?
Use of the defibrillator will be recorded by emergency services and figures collected from them

15. If your project will continue after the Wiltshire Council funding runs out, how will you continue to fund it?
Costs beyond set up are not significant

16. Is there anything else you think we should know about the project?


Supporting information - Please confirm that the following documents will be available to inspect upon request:

yes I will make available on request 1 quote for individual project costs over 500 & 2 quotes for project costs over 1000 (Individual project costs are listed in the expenditure section above)

yes I will make available on request the organisation's latest accounts

yes I will make available on request the organisation's Constitution/Terms of Reference etc.

Policies and procedures:
yes I will make available on request the necessary and relevant policies and procedures such as Child Protection, Safeguarding Adults, Public Liability Insurance, Access audit, Health & Safety and Environmental assessments.

Other supporting information (Tick where appropriate, for some project these will not be applicable):
yes I will make available on request any other form of licence or approval for this project has been received prior to submission of this grant application.

And finally...
yes The information on this form is correct, that any award received will be spent on the activities specified.


Community Area Grant

Corsley Show Capital Assets

Corsley Show Society


Submitted: 09/01/2015 16:01:43

ID: 1119

Current Status: Application Appraisal

To be considered at this meeting:
tbc contact Community Area Manager

1. Which type of grant are you applying for?
Community Area Grant

2. Amount of funding required?
501 - 5000

3. Are you applying on behalf of a Parish Council?

4. If yes, please state why this project cannot be funded from the Parish Precept

5. Project title?
Corsley Show Capital Assets

6. Project summary:
The Corsley Show Society seeks a grant to purchase equipment (tentage, fencing and tables) to support its ongoing project to switch from costly annual hire to owning as many of its own capital assets as practical for the annual Corsley Show. The project supports and complements a vigorous programme of cost cutting and income boosting. The equipment would also be made available to met the needs of several other Village organisations and groups for regular events throughout the year. (eg, Memorial Playing Field Committee, Elizabethan Evening Committee, Corsley Festival Choir, Corsley Reading Rooms, the Church, Sports Clubs)

7. Which Area Board are you applying to?

Electoral Division
Warminster Copheap and Wylye

8. What is the Post Code of where the project is taking place?
BA12 7QH

9. Please tell us which theme(s) your project supports:
Children & Young People
Arts, crafts and culture
Countryside, environment and nature
Festivals, pageants, fetes and fayres
Food, farming and local markets
Health, lifestyle and wellbeing
Inclusion, diversity and community spirit
Sport, play and recreation

If Other (please specify)

10. Finance:

10a. Your Organisation's Finance:

Your latest accounts:

Total Income:

Total Expenditure:

Surplus/Deficit for the year:

Free reserves currently held:
(money not committed to other projects/operating costs)


Why can't you fund this project from your reserves:
Fundamentally, because the Show doesnt have any. The Shows balance of funds will be totally used up to put on the 2015 Show; hence the zero figure in the Free Reserves box above. For 2015 no commitment will be taken on unless it is pre-funded and all monies taken for the 2015 Show will replenish the bank balance. (Please note also that the figure of £13291 in the Surplus/Deficit box is a deficit.) The historical cost of mounting the Show is around £25k. Rainy day reserves built up over the years have been eroded by significant losses through very bad weather on two out of the last three August Bank Holidays. The residual bank balance after the 2014 Show is about £11.5k, less than 50% of that required to mount a normal Show. Over the last two years the Show Committee has already embarked on a programme of purchasing its own assets in an effort to reduce costs and recover the bank balance. But this year there is no margin to continue this project and a very tight budget to put on the Show at all. Every aspect of Show costs are being challenged for 2015 and all avenues are being sought to reduce costs and solicit additional funding to continue this over 100 year old Corsley fixture. Tent, table and fence hire have been large elements of expenditure over the years and alternative means are being sought to reduce this particular burden, by a mixture of substituting hire by capital expenditure where feasible and reducing the overall requirement. On the tent hire alone this project would save over £1.5k per annum and another £1k has been saved by reducing requirements (deletion of one large tent).

We are a small community group and do not have annual accounts or it is our first year:  

10b. Project Finance:

Total Project cost



Total required from Area Board


(Itemised expenditure)

(Itemised income)

Tick if income confirmed

6m x 12m Commercial Standard Marquee with 12 Georgian Windows and two end walls


Parish Council



6m x 8m Commercial Standard Marquee with 6 Georgian Windows and six end walls


Elizabethan Evening Committee



25 x 10m rolls of chestnut paling fencing @ £40 per roll


20 Gopak folding tables @ £120 per table







11. Have you or do you intend to apply for a grant from another area board within this financial year?

12. If so, which Area Boards?

13. Please tell us WHO will benefit and HOW they will benefit from your project benefit your local community?
The beneficiaries of Corsley Show are the visitors who have been coming to the Showground in Corsley on August Bank Holiday for over 100 years and those attending the events put on by other Village organisations who would use the assets, notably the Elizabethan Evening Committee who have put up £1k of matched funding . In good years the Show attracts upwards of 3000, who benefit from exposure to exhibitions of horticulture, agriculture, dogs, horses and many other items of art, home-craft and industry, sideshows, arena acts, competitions and amusements. These are all put together with the long-standing aim of providing encouragement, enjoyment and education in horticulture, agriculture, rural activities, crafts and allied subjects. Visitors range right across the age group from children of all ages, who take part in the sports and competitions, enjoy the animals, the funfair, the childrens corner where they can watch conjurors, hear story-telling and engage in artistic pursuits; adults from teenagers to elderly pensioners, large numbers who come to compete in the horticultural and produce show and show off their efforts, to show their dogs and learn about how to handle them , admire vintage cars, enjoy the rural crafts, the trade stalls and the arena acts etc. Different audiences are attracted by other Village organisations, which would be supported by the proposed equipment purchase. These were mentioned in the Project Summary and two are highlighted below. The Elizabethan Evening Committee puts on at least one major annual outdoor cultural event at the Tudor Manor House Corsley, which in recent years has been either a period play or operetta with a professional travelling company. The open air performance attracts an audience of around 200 from Corsley and adjacent Parishes. The event is complemented by period music and village sports, with food and refreshment provided by an army of volunteers from the Village and local schools. The tables are an essential part of the logistics of the event and the tents would now also be used. Corsley Festival Choir is a Charity and puts on two annual concerts of classical and sacred music in St Margarets Church, with professional musicians and Conductor supporting the amateur Choir. The audience is around 180, drawn from a wide catchment of local Villages, and the Summer concert in includes pre and interval refreshments for which the tents and tables would be used. The Show and other Village events for which the equipment will be used are non profit making. Any surpluses are used to make grants to local charities and other bodies or organisations deemed to be of benefit to Corsley and/or the adjoining Parishes of Chapmanslade and Horningsham . The Society is in the process making an application for charitable status.

14. How will you monitor this?
Details of the numbers and classifications of visitors to the Show are recorded, as are the entrants to the various competitions - horticultural, crafts, arts, dogs, horse show, vintage cars.

15. If your project will continue after the Wiltshire Council funding runs out, how will you continue to fund it?
If this project is successful, then the equipment will used for 5-10 years. If 25% of the hire cost saving is put aside for capital depreciation, then the equipment could be replaced after approximately 5 years, with an overall saving to the Show of around £5k. It is anticipated that, by careful husbandry, the tent life should be considerably in excess of 5 years thus increasing the saving. It is also anticipated that hiring the assets to other Village organisations will provide some additional income.

16. Is there anything else you think we should know about the project?
Not applicable.


Supporting information - Please confirm that the following documents will be available to inspect upon request:

yes I will make available on request 1 quote for individual project costs over 500 & 2 quotes for project costs over 1000 (Individual project costs are listed in the expenditure section above)

yes I will make available on request the organisation's latest accounts

yes I will make available on request the organisation's Constitution/Terms of Reference etc.

Policies and procedures:
yes I will make available on request the necessary and relevant policies and procedures such as Child Protection, Safeguarding Adults, Public Liability Insurance, Access audit, Health & Safety and Environmental assessments.

Other supporting information (Tick where appropriate, for some project these will not be applicable):

And finally...
yes The information on this form is correct, that any award received will be spent on the activities specified.


Community Area Grant

community visual media service

friends of WCR


Submitted: 18/01/2015 15:01:25

ID: 1145

Current Status: Application Appraisal

To be considered at this meeting:
tbc contact Community Area Manager

1. Which type of grant are you applying for?
Community Area Grant

2. Amount of funding required?
0 - 500

3. Are you applying on behalf of a Parish Council?

4. If yes, please state why this project cannot be funded from the Parish Precept

5. Project title?
community visual media service

6. Project summary:
providing a low cost high def DVD production service to involve filming, editing and post production for charitable groups, hobby clubs, schools and other organisations needing quantities of souvenir DVDs of events or promotional discs. The service will give the friends of WCR charity another avenue to generate funds for it\'s own costs, further training opportunities for it\'s volunteers and access to technology to local groups wishing to promote themselves.

7. Which Area Board are you applying to?

Electoral Division
Warminster West

8. What is the Post Code of where the project is taking place?
BA12 8LB

9. Please tell us which theme(s) your project supports:
Children & Young People
Arts, crafts and culture
Countryside, environment and nature
Festivals, pageants, fetes and fayres
Health, lifestyle and wellbeing
Heritage, history and architecture
Inclusion, diversity and community spirit
Sport, play and recreation
Technology & Digital literacy

If Other (please specify)

10. Finance:

10a. Your Organisation's Finance:

Your latest accounts:

Total Income:

Total Expenditure:

Surplus/Deficit for the year:

Free reserves currently held:
(money not committed to other projects/operating costs)


Why can't you fund this project from your reserves:
all funds are for routine maintenance, electric, licences etc. we do not have any free reserves for new initiatives.

We are a small community group and do not have annual accounts or it is our first year:  

10b. Project Finance:

Total Project cost



Total required from Area Board


(Itemised expenditure)

(Itemised income)

Tick if income confirmed

editing software


audio recorder


media discs


PC system for HD editing







11. Have you or do you intend to apply for a grant from another area board within this financial year?

12. If so, which Area Boards?

13. Please tell us WHO will benefit and HOW they will benefit from your project benefit your local community?
charitable groups, hobby clubs, schools and other organisations needing quantities of souvenir DVDs of events or promotional discs. The service will give the friends of WCR charity and the groups we help, another avenue to generate funds for it\'s own costs, further training opportunities for it\'s volunteers and access to technology to local groups wishing to promote themselves.

14. How will you monitor this?
by the amount of requests we have for the new service

15. If your project will continue after the Wiltshire Council funding runs out, how will you continue to fund it?
self financing from the service income.

16. Is there anything else you think we should know about the project?


Supporting information - Please confirm that the following documents will be available to inspect upon request:

yes I will make available on request 1 quote for individual project costs over 500 & 2 quotes for project costs over 1000 (Individual project costs are listed in the expenditure section above)

yes I will make available on request the organisation's latest accounts

yes I will make available on request the organisation's Constitution/Terms of Reference etc.

Policies and procedures:
yes I will make available on request the necessary and relevant policies and procedures such as Child Protection, Safeguarding Adults, Public Liability Insurance, Access audit, Health & Safety and Environmental assessments.

Other supporting information (Tick where appropriate, for some project these will not be applicable):

And finally...
yes The information on this form is correct, that any award received will be spent on the activities specified.


Community Area Grant

Sutton Veny Cricket Pavilion- New Changing & Showers

Heytesbury & Sutton Veny Cricket Club


Submitted: 19/01/2015 15:59:38

ID: 1149

Current Status: Application Appraisal

To be considered at this meeting:
tbc contact Community Area Manager

1. Which type of grant are you applying for?
Community Area Grant

2. Amount of funding required?
501 - 5000

3. Are you applying on behalf of a Parish Council?

4. If yes, please state why this project cannot be funded from the Parish Precept

5. Project title?
Sutton Veny Cricket Pavilion- New Changing & Showers

6. Project summary:
The new cricket pavilion has been built and entirely funded by the Club. All the external works have been completed but the internal works have yet to start. These include insulation, internal doors, eletrical cicuits, instalation of WC and showers.

7. Which Area Board are you applying to?

Electoral Division
Warminster Copheap and Wylye

8. What is the Post Code of where the project is taking place?
BA12 7AP

9. Please tell us which theme(s) your project supports:
Sport, play and recreation

If Other (please specify)

10. Finance:

10a. Your Organisation's Finance:

Your latest accounts:

Total Income:

Total Expenditure:

Surplus/Deficit for the year:

Free reserves currently held:
(money not committed to other projects/operating costs)


Why can't you fund this project from your reserves:
The expenditure is more than the Club holds in Reserves.

We are a small community group and do not have annual accounts or it is our first year:  

10b. Project Finance:

Total Project cost



Total required from Area Board


(Itemised expenditure)

(Itemised income)

Tick if income confirmed

Electrical Materials





Labour to fit Electrical


Plumbing Materials


Labour to fit Plumbing


Internal Insulation & Doors


Labour to fit Insulation etc







11. Have you or do you intend to apply for a grant from another area board within this financial year?

12. If so, which Area Boards?

13. Please tell us WHO will benefit and HOW they will benefit from your project benefit your local community?
The completion of the internal works will benefit the Cricket Club as well as other sporting Clubs in the area. At present Highbury FC occasionally use the facility to store items. Dedicated changing rooms, WC facilities and showers, will allow the facility to be used more often during the winter months. The availibilty of changing facilities and WC will make the facility atractive to other sports Clubs and occasional hirings. A local Running Club have expressed interest in hiring the facility for occasional training and Races.

14. How will you monitor this?
The Club has a Committee and already has agreements in place with Highbury FC

15. If your project will continue after the Wiltshire Council funding runs out, how will you continue to fund it?
The on-going running costs of the facility will be met by Subsrciptions, match fees and hirings.

16. Is there anything else you think we should know about the project?


Supporting information - Please confirm that the following documents will be available to inspect upon request:

yes I will make available on request 1 quote for individual project costs over 500 & 2 quotes for project costs over 1000 (Individual project costs are listed in the expenditure section above)

yes I will make available on request the organisation's latest accounts

yes I will make available on request the organisation's Constitution/Terms of Reference etc.

Policies and procedures:
yes I will make available on request the necessary and relevant policies and procedures such as Child Protection, Safeguarding Adults, Public Liability Insurance, Access audit, Health & Safety and Environmental assessments.

Other supporting information (Tick where appropriate, for some project these will not be applicable):
yes I will make available on request evidence of ownership of buildings/land
yes I will make available on request the relevant planning permission for the project.

And finally...
yes The information on this form is correct, that any award received will be spent on the activities specified.


Community Area Grant

Codford Community Automated External Defibrillator

Codord Parish Council


Submitted: 31/01/2015 15:35:11

ID: 1183

Current Status: Application Appraisal

To be considered at this meeting:
tbc contact Community Area Manager

1. Which type of grant are you applying for?
Community Area Grant

2. Amount of funding required?
501 - 5000

3. Are you applying on behalf of a Parish Council?

4. If yes, please state why this project cannot be funded from the Parish Precept
This is a community based project, the need for which has been identified by the Parish Council. As a PC initiative, a sub-group of the PC has been leading and co-ordinating fund raising with other local groups from within and around the village. The projected cost of this project is too much for the precept to bear, however the PC has provided a grant of £500 in support.

5. Project title?
Codford Community Automated External Defibrillator

6. Project summary:
Codford is a rural community with no direct and timely access to emergency medical facilities outside of Codford Surgery business hours. Provision of up to 2 emergency public access Automated External Defibrillators, sited at the Codford Village Hall (central to village) and the village shop/garage (north end of village and closer to Upton Lovell), would provide ready access, potentially life-saving, equipment to bridge the time period from the cardiac event to the arrival of the emergency services. In addition to the residents, the local school, theatre, visiting sports teams and visitors to community indoor and field events (fetes and outdoor shows) would be beneficiaries. This project has full community engagement and support.

7. Which Area Board are you applying to?

Electoral Division
Warminster Copheap and Wylye

8. What is the Post Code of where the project is taking place?
BA12 0PP

9. Please tell us which theme(s) your project supports:
Children & Young People
Health, lifestyle and wellbeing
Sport, play and recreation

If Other (please specify)

10. Finance:

10a. Your Organisation's Finance:

Your latest accounts:

Total Income:

Total Expenditure:

Surplus/Deficit for the year:

Free reserves currently held:
(money not committed to other projects/operating costs)


Why can't you fund this project from your reserves:
The net cost of this project will exceed the total reserves of Codford Parish Council, although a £500 grant from PC funds has been agreed. Note: The PC accounting period expires in Apr 15 and more expenditure is forecast/expected. The Q10a figures are for the year to date (29 Dec 14). The Surplus above will decline before year end.

We are a small community group and do not have annual accounts or it is our first year:  

10b. Project Finance:

Total Project cost



Total required from Area Board


(Itemised expenditure)

(Itemised income)

Tick if income confirmed

2x External Automated Defibrillators Package


PC Grant



2x All weather external secure cabinets


AED Garden Tea Party





Wheelbarrow Race



Food Festival fund-raiser



AED Car Wash



Artisan Fair raffle



AED Disco



Shop Fancy Dress & Collection Tin



PO Ltd Donation


Other fund-raising







11. Have you or do you intend to apply for a grant from another area board within this financial year?

12. If so, which Area Boards?

13. Please tell us WHO will benefit and HOW they will benefit from your project benefit your local community?
Every resident of Codford, and those in the immediate surrounding area (eg Bapton, Sherrington, Upton Lovell), will potentially benefit from this life-saving device on a 24/7/365 basis. Additionally, visitors to village indoor and filed functions, the Woolstore Theatre, visiting sports teams and the local school will all have on-demand access through the standard emergency 999 service. As every second counts in a sudden cardiac arrest situation, immediate access to an External Automated Defibrillator (AED) (particularly when the local doctor\'s surgery is closed) can significantly affect the outcome and make the difference between life and death. The devices to be purchased require no spcialist medical training and talk/prompt the user through the procedure step by step. Notwithstanding, familiarisation training sessions, for anyone in the village who wants it, will be provided. AEDs are to be located on the outside of the Codford Village Hall (and sportsfield) (central village location) and the local village shop & garage at the north end of this linear village, closer to other villages such as Sherrington and Upton Lovell.

14. How will you monitor this?
The village nominated person/custodian will know when the AED has been deployed (only releasable by the 999 operator and the village AED maintainer) since after use it will need to be checked, replenished and replaced in its secure cabinet for subsequent deployment. Additionally, the PC will be aware through the standard village grapevine.

15. If your project will continue after the Wiltshire Council funding runs out, how will you continue to fund it?
Annual maintenance will be funded either through sponsorship by a local business or benefactor, or by targetted fund-raising of the type already successful undertaken.

16. Is there anything else you think we should know about the project?


Supporting information - Please confirm that the following documents will be available to inspect upon request:

yes I will make available on request 1 quote for individual project costs over 500 & 2 quotes for project costs over 1000 (Individual project costs are listed in the expenditure section above)

yes I will make available on request the organisation's latest accounts

yes I will make available on request the organisation's Constitution/Terms of Reference etc.

Policies and procedures:
yes I will make available on request the necessary and relevant policies and procedures such as Child Protection, Safeguarding Adults, Public Liability Insurance, Access audit, Health & Safety and Environmental assessments.

Other supporting information (Tick where appropriate, for some project these will not be applicable):
yes I will make available on request evidence of ownership of buildings/land
yes I will make available on request any other form of licence or approval for this project has been received prior to submission of this grant application.

And finally...
yes The information on this form is correct, that any award received will be spent on the activities specified.


Community Area Grant

Warminster Ukulele Club adult section equipment

Warminster Ukulele Club


Submitted: 04/02/2015 20:24:29

ID: 1188

Current Status: Application Appraisal

To be considered at this meeting:
tbc contact Community Area Manager

1. Which type of grant are you applying for?
Community Area Grant

2. Amount of funding required?
501 - 5000

3. Are you applying on behalf of a Parish Council?

4. If yes, please state why this project cannot be funded from the Parish Precept

5. Project title?
Warminster Ukulele Club adult section equipment

6. Project summary:
To equip premises with suitable equipment for the adult section of Warminster Ukulele Club. We encourage adults, particularly older adults, to take up and improve ukulele playing as a social activity. The club has no equipment nor resources currently, relying upon professional tutors to volunteer their time and lend resources and supply materials and premises. Items needed include music stands, instruments stands and supports, music books and loan instruments.

7. Which Area Board are you applying to?

Electoral Division
Warminster Broadway

8. What is the Post Code of where the project is taking place?

9. Please tell us which theme(s) your project supports:
Children & Young People
Arts, crafts and culture
Health, lifestyle and wellbeing
Inclusion, diversity and community spirit

If Other (please specify)
music and education

10. Finance:

10a. Your Organisation's Finance:

Your latest accounts:

Total Income:

Total Expenditure:

Surplus/Deficit for the year:

Free reserves currently held:
(money not committed to other projects/operating costs)


Why can't you fund this project from your reserves:
We have estimated our expenditure (a low estimate bearing in mind particularly the number of hours three professional have put into the start-up of this project) as this has been donated. There is no wish to reclaim these expenses, so the club starts with a zero bank balance, rather than a debt.

We are a small community group and do not have annual accounts or it is our first year:  

10b. Project Finance:

Total Project cost



Total required from Area Board


(Itemised expenditure)

(Itemised income)

Tick if income confirmed

music stands


membership fees



instrument stands and supports


venue hire donated by secretary in kind



music books


in kind materials donated by tutors



reference resources and materials


advertising and promotion donation towards


loan instruments


venue hire donated by secretary in kind


in kind materials donated by tutors


sundries and tools (for repairs and maintenance)


advertising and promotion







11. Have you or do you intend to apply for a grant from another area board within this financial year?

12. If so, which Area Boards?

13. Please tell us WHO will benefit and HOW they will benefit from your project benefit your local community?
Adults who wish to learn music and/or improve their music skills both by playing ukulele (and related instruments) and singing will benefit from the educational and social aspects of this project. Confidence building is one priority of this kind of music making. As a tutor and workshop leader I have been involved in this field for over four decades and know what a huge difference it makes to the well being of people, with positive health (both mental and physical) as well as social benefits particularly for the elderly and the marginalised. We treat the term \'adult\' very generally and accept this as a attitude and aptitude description; already there is a 13-year-old attending our pilot project who is both inspirational and helpful towards the adults as well as benefitting from this supportive environment himself. We encourage all adults to begin. There is a very basic minimum standard: it is possible to get to this standard very quickly with one-to-one tuition; we also offer subsidised workshops and would like to offer more of this sort of support via club events. We also intend to provide performance opportunities for club members and their families and friends.It is also an ideal situation for young trainee music leaders to hone their skills and get some quality experience. Since there are now accredited international ukulele examinations, and both tutors involved able to teach these to the highest level (with a further colleague also able to do this), we can also provide guidance for club members to become qualified. This in turn may mean the club is effective in helping to train ukulele players to become teachers.

14. How will you monitor this?
We keep records of club meetings and the music covered as well as levels of musical ability achieved. Total inclusion is fundamental to what we do and regular team teaching (with preparation before each session and debriefing afterwards) ensures this is easily possible. All our music leaders are professional, DBS checked and have full public liability insurance. They give their time to the project. In future we may pay some expenses to those who volunteer to guide, subject to the membership being unanimous on this (although there is no move to do this at present). Meetings are in a dedicated educational premises (the venue time and some materials are donated): since there are already codes of practice in place here, it is a simple matter to monitor and ensure ongoing benefits. NB Secretary statement: for over 42 years I have run similar projects, almost all funded from my own money and from club events such as concerts, raffles etc; since 1982 I have run dozens of successful projects like this in West Wiltshire so, although I am always looking for new ways to make them better and re-evaluate what and how I do this on a daily basis, I have a completely positive track record for knowing how these things work, their immediate as well as knock-on benefits and monitoring their outcomes.

15. If your project will continue after the Wiltshire Council funding runs out, how will you continue to fund it?
The project is designed to continue. The tutors involved do not make any profit out of this; in fact so far they have been paying all costs from their own pocket - and will not be looking to recoup this cost in any way. Membership fees are £15 per year for adults; temporary membership is £2 for those who wish to \'try-it-and-see\' first; children\'s membership is set at £7 per term although the club will provide free membership to anyone we feel needs this. Membership fees cover all regular events and meetings. Other events are subsidised by the tutors involved, who donate their time or scale down their fee so that members can easily afford the special events with a small contribution. Public events to promote the club, are similarly subsidised by tutors who also provide all the necessary materials and venue etc without extra charge. Much of the equipment and many of the resources that we are requesting are reusable with a long expectancy of use. The minimal membership fees will be sufficient to maintain and make expected running repairs to the basic equipment as well as restock music books as necessary. Secretary statement: having run many projects similar to this over several decades (some of which continue still, long after my involvement), I know how sustainable they can be given a good budget model and tight management. See also the answer to question 13, as the club may be able to help train ukulele players to become teachers, thus providing new and qualified leaders to take the club forward, and to expend it if necessary.

16. Is there anything else you think we should know about the project?
The project also has a children\'s section, offering after school clubs (20 per term); this we hope to start in March or April. Although using the same umbrella name, premises and often the same pool of tutors, it happens on a Wednesday. The adult club meetings are on Sunday evenings (generally regarded the most convenient for adults). The main cost for the club would be venue hire and this is donated, as are some materials. The children\'s club will have minimal costs (child ukuleles are very cheap; all their music will be prepared and supplied by tutors); this part of the club can share use of the same music stands.


Supporting information - Please confirm that the following documents will be available to inspect upon request:

yes I will make available on request 1 quote for individual project costs over 500 & 2 quotes for project costs over 1000 (Individual project costs are listed in the expenditure section above)

yes I will make available on request the organisation's latest accounts

yes I will make available on request the organisation's Constitution/Terms of Reference etc.

Policies and procedures:
yes I will make available on request the necessary and relevant policies and procedures such as Child Protection, Safeguarding Adults, Public Liability Insurance, Access audit, Health & Safety and Environmental assessments.

Other supporting information (Tick where appropriate, for some project these will not be applicable):

And finally...
yes The information on this form is correct, that any award received will be spent on the activities specified.